Queen Bee Farms & MikeLav Productions
Proudly announce the release their new 'Short Doc' film called 'Flight of the Honeybee'.
This educational and humorous short film (13min) informs us about the plight of bees and pollinators and what we can all do to help them!
Shot from the unique perspective of the honeybee, in 4K capturing all the detail and colors in their environment. This film incorporates humorous talking bee dialogue, along with informative narration, and inspiring original music. You will be both entertained and informed from start to finish with the Flight of the Honeybee.
Vancouver Island based business owners, Lisa & Terry Mellett of Queen Bee Farms have always been passionate about pollinators, dedicating themselves to the creation, promotion, and preservation of bee and pollinator habitats. The inspiration for the ‘Flight of the Honeybee’ film was born out of a love and caring for the environment and the plight of their pollinator friends. Through this film they hope to inspire, raising an awareness and engagement in others to become more consciously active about what they can do to help pollinators! Shot on location at their scenic farm on the Malahat, BC, Canada.
Now showing on Queen Bee Farms - YouTube Channel.
Click here: Flight of the Honeybee